Earth- Local Market

As perusal, while browsing through social media, i stumbled upon this blog and video. It's about Grenadian artist/ entrepreneur expressing their creativity by show casing their talent, even published novels and poetry books written by Grenadians. I must say, it was well attended, i enjoyed the variety that was showcase by various persons, the different stalls/ booths. It's amazing to know we have amazing and beautiful talent/s in our little island. More about "Earth" , check the links below : * * Here are some pictures i took while i was there. Stress Bean bags, handmade cards, Shawls Locally made soap bars, oils etc (can be used from blemishes, pimples, scars etc) Bow ties Wreath made with potato bag and shells, hand painted vest, Candle holder made with cement and fine bag GrenAIDS information booth Necklaces ,earrings and bracelets made from ...