
Showing posts from May, 2016

Hiking: Mt. St. Catherine

Located in Victoria, St. Mark's, Mt. St. Catherine is the highest point on the island, a Stratovolcano. The beginning.... I woke at 3am to the sound of a Conch shell that was  blown to communicate to those in the community that it was time to wake & prepare your self for the hike. Best advise to bathe the night before, it saves you time (my opinion), drink some hot tea, have snacks/ food and of course a Large bottle of water.  when hiking it's best to wear a long pants /leggings, sneakers, a t- shirt and a nice cozy sweater (Cold at the top of the mountain). Try not to carry to much load yet having the essentials. All dress and ready to go, my friends and I meet at a spot so that we can all leave together. Its was really dark out, but the moon was our guide. As usually we 'ole' talk while walking, from a distance you can hear several persons whom was also embarking on this hike. The climax.... We followed the trail, walk over rocks an...

The Beach bum.

favorite place to go to- Secluded.       To get away from reality, I run to her shore.  I collect memories; forgotten shells wash up from the bottom of her sea bed floor once occupied by some sea creature unknown, sea fans and dried sea weeds, broken glasses turned into perfect shaped stones, unusual shells all meant to be, part of my memory. Too feel the sand beneath my feet, my toes, sun beating my skin; my body is speaking. As I lay down the sand welcome me with a warm embrace, to close my eyes only to be kiss by the radiance of the sun rays while listening to the ocean sing here favorite song. Exfoliate my skin and feet, before i dive in. Serenity- At peace when i'm beneath a sea grape tree or maybe just on a wooden jetty.  Absorption of nature all around;sea urchins,sea weeds, fishes, mollusks ,star fish, coral reef, isolated islands, green vegetation all around. I...

Coconut water in the market.

Time: 7:30am Location: The Market square, St. George. Thank god for creating coconut water or as some call it, water nut. It is not my actual habit to be here ritually, unless I'm chilling with my uncle of course. Early morning fresh air, breakfast on the go with a nice dose of coconut water, oh i love it. You can never go wrong when you're here, $3:00 to $5:00 (EC) are the price range, reasonable if you ask me. This wonderful nut can replenish a tiring body, I'm sure my blood cells are happy at this moment. Seriously, who would pass on having coconut water especially in the morning. The benefits of living in the Caribbean. ISLAND LOVE. REPLENISH.

Hiking: Honey Moon Fall

Previously, i had written about my hike to the Seven sisters falls, but had never went to the final fall- Honey Moon fall. Previous Blog: I've decided to bring along my friend/ co- worker to experience the journey with me, same journey different experience. Being the only two female hikers, fellow visitors were surprised and wondering (hmmm...) nevertheless to say we went on our way. Not knowing where the last fall was, a fellow guide gave us directions. And i quote, "You will have to pass this river 3 times, follow the path and look for a fallen rock." Of course, we almost got lost, but finally found this hidden gem, which was indeed behind the fallen rock. Hope you enjoy the photos. Us!!! Plant life Honey moon fall Sulfur Sulfur on our legs