My Carnival Preparedness- Helpful tips.

Every year we wait for this, we planned for this and of course we make memories to last a year until we can do it all over again- Spice mas 2016.

1. SAVING- Whole year I've been save for this moment. There ain't no way I'm going to be partying with little to no money or would I be begging anyone for spending money, ummm that's a no-no. Unless you decide to take a loan, by all means, IS YOUR MONEY!

2. PLANNING- I've notice that planning can help make whatever you do more easy and less frustrating. Plan which fete's you would be going to. Create a Budget, where by you know that you won't be going over your spending or as we call it spending wildly and to safe guard yourself that there are some coins or papers left in the bank. Just saying.

3. FETE'N CREW- Do you have a fete'n crew? Or maybe you like to fete alone, no scene; as Dash said (2016 Groovy Monarch) Carnival is me alone, on the road & I don't need no Company, especially the broke pocket one, who want to drink and don't give a cent.

Seriously, who fete with friends and have no money to spend ( that's just my opinion). I would advise a fete'n crew where by you know no harm can come to you, they got your back as well as you got theirs, especially for females. Though there are some females that can handle their own, but having company can be a very good assets. Plus a fete'n crew always make an event more memorable than chilling on your own (debatable).

4. ARE YOU MOBILE? Ain't no way public transportation can always come to the rescue, hence having your own private vehicle is much more safe and adequate. No need to worry about how you're going home or how you're going to an event. Ensure there is a designated driver- safe driving is key.
Major key!

6. BUY YOUR TICKET IN ADVANCE. This here is self explanatory. Unless you want to stand in a long line for your ticket or searching frantically last minute for extra tickets, my best advise is, buy your ticket in advance and just in case you don't feel like going, one can always sell.

7.BE MINDFUL. Carnival is that time when all stress have suddenly disappeared. People want to have fun, enjoy themselves and meet new people. But, one should be mindful as to how one do such (no I'm not telling you how to enjoy yourself), there's nothing wrong in enjoying yourself, it's how you enjoy yourself and the manner in which you do such. Remember, tomorrow is another day, after all the fun has done, it's back to reality, to work, to having that position where people and children give/show you respect.

8. HAVE F.U.N.!!! These songs sum it all..


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