This is one of many touchy topics, here i will share my personal story and how i was able to combat this. :)


 Yep, that was me, note i said was. Back when i was much younger, society painted a perfect body image in my head, the perfect girls with no bruises, cuts, scars, flaws face, no stretch marks, curves for days & booty to envy.
As i got older, my fear of wearing short clothes or clothes that reveled a little of my insecure body parts was evident by my mother, even wearing swim suits was a problem.
As a child i was your typical tom-boy, hence the cuts over cuts on my knees, cuts or bruises on my hands or legs, the stretch marks on my butt and upper thigh got larger and more noticeable as i aged, my breast grew bigger, in that i started noticing stretch marks there also (the breaking point).
Although this happened, gradually, step-by-step i learned to love my body for what it is- all my flaws and imperfections. No one can be perfect, no one SHOULD BE ashamed of their body either. 
Of course this self confidence did not came easy and as i got older the people around me and my own personal effort, i was able to build my self confidence in loving my body.
I currently wear clothes at times that shows my scars and other imperfections, though iv'e come so far, i'm still a work in progress.



  1. Thank you for reading, will surely check out your blog.

  2. Love this post!! It reminds me of my personal self love journey and accepting my flaws.

    Keiinotes ��


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